28 July 2007

Warbird On A Highway!

Video caught by a state trooper, a Harvard T-6 on its way to Oshkosh had to make an emergency landing on an interstate due to engine problems.

I would so crap myself if I was driving down the highway with a plane landing beside me.


Ed said...

I would've posted something about a clause in the Eisenhower Interstate System's Highway Act, but the internet told me not to.


The sad thing is that factoid actually showed up in a high school textbook I read in, well, high school.

Light said...

Uh, sir... can I please see your license and registration...

Unknown said...

One of the Nordic nations, I think Sweden actually has designated parts of their highway system built to runway specs, and they do practice on them. AW&ST had some real neat pictures a while ago from a training event.

I usually hear about this happening in florida about once a year.