04 December 2006


Bing learned that:

Sky + (ISO > 100) == VERY BAD


Dr. Jaus said...

Yes, DJ... Iso > 100 is ALWAYS bad... Only for testimonial photos in very bad light conditions you can use highs ISO. More ISO = More grain.

DJ Were-Panda said...

I think the Lumix line is particularly proned to noise at any ISO level under certain lighting condition. I took several pictures of the sunset using ISO 100 and 200 (unfortunately, there is no 80 on my camera) and the one on display was 100. But there is still some noise in the image. Another thing I noticed is that the noise is more prominent when I shoot in RAW as opposed to JPEG. I'm still not sure why. I know that the Lumix should probably not be used for any sort of night photography...